Lyceum, product and services
Aimed at the health sector, with a broad and comprehensive private area

Grupo Saned chose us to develop the interface design, user experience and multidevice web programming for a services and products portal. The project is aimed at the health sector and it includes a private comprehensive area, as well as many different security methods, that uses owned and third party API's.

always available

Structured browsing

Quality service, easy search

Further info on the project

Web page dedicated to health education through services, courses, books and apps belonging to Grupo Saned. Easy and useful interface, which allows the purchase of their products through their own points system and discounts. The private area allows users to load some points in the system that they can exchange for any of the offered services.
Main technical challenges:
E-commerce development through a points system. Integration of systems and databases owned by the company, and billing and private area for users.