This tag represents the content as a programming language’s variable. It belongs to a group of elements being used to highlight a text.
This tag represents the content as a programming language’s variable. It belongs to a group of elements being used to highlight a text.
This element allows to install video with the traditional commands (okay, pause, volume control,and time control).
src. It shows the route of the file being played.
autoplay. It allows the video to start automatically with no need for a previous notice. At times, it is recommended to be used while giving its control to the user.
widht and height. They define, respectively, the width and height that the video tag will contain.
loop. It executes the loop playback, so when it finishes, it starts again
Controls. It shows the controls (play, stop....)
preload. It indicates if the video’s content is loading, when loading the website.
Its possible values are:
auto. If this option is selected, the video will be entirely loaded when the web is visualised. This can translate into a high traffic, which can be an issue when using devices that do not have enough bandwidth, such as mobile phones.
None. This value avoids the video’s content to be loaded until the user decides to start playing it. It allows to save many resources, although there can be interruptions when loading the video.
Metadata. This value indicates that only the data associated to the video’s header will be loaded, showing an image in case the header contains one, or an image based on the first frame of the video.
muted. If the attribute is present, the video’s audio will be silenced.
poster. It defines the image’s route, which will be loaded before the video is played.
The native formats we can find are: ogg, mp4 y webM.
Current browsers do not fully support these formats, so depending on the browser we are using we will be able to play a video or not, being ogg and webM the most supported ones.