
Web Apps

We design Web Applications that maximise the user experience (UX)

HTML5 and CCS3 open a new world of possibilities around graphic animations. These languages allow to create Web Pages with graphics and animations much more interactives than before.

The advantages compared to Flash are significant, as they do not depend on third parties for their visualisation. On top of that, they are compatible with most of the Web Browsers and devices (Smartphones and tablets), and they need less resources to be executed.The popularisation of tablets and Smartphones has increased the use of HTML5 and CCS3 within web Development.

These are the most significant advantages on HTML5 animations:

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  1. Transitions

    The possibility to move one image from one side of the screen to the other side.

  2. Geometrical Transformations in 2D

    Such as rotations, change of direction, size modification.

  3. Geometrical Transformations in 3D

    We will be able, for instance, to rotate 3D elements, movement perspectives, rotations.

  4. Character animations

    HTML5 allows to bring characters alive within a website, which gives it a totally original touch.