The importance of generating traffic from other sites
One of the most important SEO strategies is Link Building. This strategy is about positioning your webpage getting other websites to links your website, so more users can get into your site, which will increase your reputation. On top of that, the search engines are continuously monitoring your link building, as well as the source of the links to your web, so link building will also help your positioning in Google, Bing, etc.
There are many attributes that the search engines take into account to assess your link building positioning. Hereafter we explain you some of the main attributes which will add value to the links referring to your website:
Domain Authority
Domain authority refers to the quality and reputation of the website where is your link. This can be one of the most importants values to analyze as it depends on how the search engines rank the website hosting your link, it will improve your web reputation. And not only that, the fact of having a link in a well ranked web page, will increase your visibility as there will be a lot of users browsing into those domains. So, we are talking about a double benefit for your link building strategy.
Internal vs. External
EThis could be seen as obvious, but we prefer to put it clear. An External link (From a different website) will have a lot more value than a link from from your internal Website. So the objective is to get other web pages to link you.
Follow vs. No Follow
This is also an important attribute. A link with a tag “No Follow” is not treated the same way as a link without this attribute. As a reminder, we show you a Tag with a link marked as “No Follow”: a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Link Text>
Quality of the referral website
The quality of the page linking your web page is relevant. Although that is difficult to decide, there are some tools that can help us to determine the ranking of the web pages. You can also do that in a visual mode, entering into the web pages where your links are and checking the other links in that to check the quality of the domain.
User engagement
This is another important attribute. If my website is linked into a web which have a lot of traffic, and this traffic are using these links to go to my website, Google, Android, Chrome, are continuously monitoring this information and they will use it to improve your ranking.
Spam signals
This attribute is relatively relevant. Search Engines like Google can penalise the links which are in pages with a lot of Spam Links. There are some applications that can help us to know if a website can be suspicious to be Spaming, although again, this is something we can surely do by having a look to the website and their links.